ePassport: The World's New Electronic Passport
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If you are not sure if our book is the right choice feel free to take a look at some excertps. The book consists of six chapters (plus reference list, appendices, etc.) and you may have a look at some parts of each of these chapters now and for free. Some chapters are even completely available. To read the excerpts you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 (or a higher version) which may be downloaded here for free.
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Table of Contents
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Chapter 1: Introduction
The first chapter gives a brief overview of the ePassport the and book's content.
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Chapter 2: The former German non-biometric passport
This chapter informs about the non-biometric passport that was used in Germany before the ePassport was introduced. In particular data privacy and data security of the former passport are considered in order to be able to form an opinion about the need for a new passport generation.
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Chapter 3: The ePassport - a survey on the new electronic passport
The third chapter introduces the basic facts about the ePassport. It also includes information about the introduction of the ePassport in Germany.
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Chapter 4: The ePassport in detail - technical specifications and biometrie
In the fourth chapter RFID and its suitability for the ePassport is analysed. In addition biometrie and the ePassport's special security features Basic and Extended Access Control are explained.
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Chapter 5: Provisos against the ePassport
While the book so far only expressed the facts about the ePassport, the fifth chapter critically discusses the pros and cons of the ePassport. The reliability of the system in general is analysed as well as possibilities of controlled disturbances of the system by single individuals (e.g. by jammers respecitvely blocker tags). In addition, possibilities of frauding and bypassing the system are discussed as well as the mechanisms to protect the data (Basic and Extended Access Control).
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Chapter 6: Summary
The book's last chapter summarises the previous chapters.
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